1200 St-Laurent Blvd., PO Box 42063 Ottawa, Ontario, K1K 4L8 +1 (613) 701-2317

Category Broadband


Subsea fibre investment for Inuit communities in Nunavik

The Government of Canada is helping all of Nunavik’s 14 Inuit communities and 28 institutions get online with new or improved high-speed Internet access. A joint federal-provincial investment of $125.2 million in high-speed Internet will make the Kativik Regional Government’s plan for subsea fibre a reality. The Government of Canada, through the Connect to Innovate […]


Nunavik infrastructure boosted by further $100 million

KRG Isurruutiit program, managed by the Kativik Regional Government, has been allocated another $100 million from the Quebec Government over the next five years to improve Nunavik infrastructure. The Isurruutiit program will earmark $58 million for infrastructure such as water mains and sewage systems, $21 million for buildings and $21 million for vehicles. Read more, […]


KRG calls for Nunavik cable fibre feasibility study

The Kativik Regional Government (KRG), Nunavik, is now considering the possibility of building a submarine cable to serve Nunavik fibre. KRG launched a public call for tenders on July 28, 2016 to get support from experts to produce a cable route and feasibility study. The study will analyse the technical, economic, legal and operational aspects […]

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