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CanNor funding for northern geoscience projects

CanNor funding for northern geoscience projects

The Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency will inject $7.4M of CanNor funding into northern geoscience projects, including $2,672,335 in mapping, permafrost infrastructure and seabed analysis, along with the development and promotion of geosciences in Nunavut.

Nunavut funding comprises of:
CanNor: $2,672,335
Natural Resources Canada: $1,802,000
Government of Nunavut: $1,306,000
Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada: $860,000
ArcticNet: $180,000
Universities: $50,000
Total Funding (Nunavut): $6,870,335

CanNor funding for northern geoscience in Nunavut

Investment will support a series of projects in Nunavut, including:

  1. Geological Research for Responsible Natural Resource Development
  2. Mapping Climate Change and Permafrost
  3. Infrastructure Mapping
  4. Capacity building and public education

See Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency CanNor Fostering northern geoscience research in Nunavut

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